

Welcome to the support pages of edoc-Server - we provide information about electronic publishing of dissertation thesis and other scientifc publications!

The edoc-Server is the DINI certified Open Access repository of the Humboldt University of Berlin. It is open to all members of the university for publishing under open-access conditions and is operated by the joint working group of the University Library and the Computer and Media Service of the Humboldt University.

Benefits of publishing
on the edoc-Server

  • Worldwide access via the Internet

  • Fast and cost-free publication

  • Assignment of persistent identifiers (DOI, URN)

  • Long-term archiving and assured availability

  • Quality assurance in technical and library terms (formats, standards, cataloguing)

  • Availability via OAI interface

  • Indexed in search engines and retrieval systems (e.g. UB Primus platform, Google Scholar, BASE)